DARPA approaches industry for unmanned sensors to monitor Arctic land, sea, and air traffic


www.militaryaerospace.com – DARPA approaches industry for unmanned sensors to monitor Arctic land, sea, and air traffic – By John Keller

U.S. military researchers are asking industry to develop unmanned sensors able to operate in harsh environments to monitor surface, aircraft, and submarine traffic above the Arctic Circle.

Officials of the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in Arlington, Va., released a solicitation Tuesday (DARPA-BAA-15-28) for the Future Arctic Sensing Technologies project, which seeks to capitalize on commercially developed technologies to monitor the Arctic region for military activity.

For this project DARPA remote sensing experts are asking for proposals for low-cost unmanned air, surface, and subsurface sensing systems for the Arctic, including ways to deliver sensor information to remote sites. (…)


READ FULL ARTICLE >>> http://www.militaryaerospace.com/articles/2015/02/unmanned-arctic-sensors.html?cmpid=EnlMAEspecMarch32015

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