DARPA MFP drone-defense program seeks to protect moving convoys from swarms of attacking small UAVs
U.S. military researchers are asking for industry’s help in developing an agile and mobile drone-defense system that can defeat a raid of self-guided, small unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) that are attacking important targets like high-value moving convoys.
Officials of the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) in Arlington, Va., released an industry solicitation last week (DARPA-PS-17-01) for the Mobile Force Protection (MFP) program.
The potential $63 million project seeks ways to defend against not only today’s radio-controlled and GPS-guided weaponized UAVs, but also against future UAVs that navigate by visual means in large groups to gather intelligence and coordinate attacks against one or more high-value moving targets.
The program’s first phase will develop enabling technologies. (…)
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