Source: OCCAR FSAF-PAAMS Delivery of First MLU Munitions and Kits to France and Italy 1

The first A30 PAAMS Mid-Life Updated munitions and kits have been delivered to France and Italy.

OCCAR-EA, as Contracting Authority, has established several contracts to extend and renew the Aster munitions stockpile of the three FSAF-PAAMS Participating States. Following several years of development, eurosam/MBDA was able to produce the first Mid-Life Updated (MLU) kits for the Nations’ munitions. (…)

FSAF stands for “Famille des systèmes Surface-Air Futurs” and PAAMS for “Principal Anti Air Missile Systems” >>> to no more see:


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Photo © FSAF-PAAMS Kits, Organisation Conjointe de Coopération en matière d’Armement