(Breaking Defense, 01/15/2015) Drones need humans, badly: pilots getting more dough- By: Sydney J. Freedberg Jr.


WASHINGTON: Even unmanned aircraft need people to make them fly. Today, Air Force Secretary Deborah Lee James announced stopgap measures to shore up overworked drone squadrons. At the same press conference, the service’s Chief of Staff pledged to plug another personnel gap, the shortage of skilled maintainers for the manned F-35 — but, Gen. Mark Welsh admitted, the expedients required would be “painful.”

So even in the service most enamored of technology, the knottiest problems sometimes still turn out to be old-fashioned human beings(…)


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LINK: http://breakingdefense.com/2015/01/drones-need-humans-badly/?utm_source=Breaking+Defense&utm_campaign=25d01e7bbc-RSS_EMAIL_CAMPAIGN&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_4368933672-25d01e7bbc-407744465

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