Posts tagged US Army

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U.S. Aid to Gaza: JLOTS Systems Getting Ready

DOD News – Joseph Clark – Specialized Army Unit Underway to Support Humanitarian Aid Delivery to Gaza The specialized Army unit tasked with establishing a …

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Armées étrangèresArmées étrangèresArmées étrangèresDéfenseDefenseDocumentation thématiqueIN ENGLISHIndustriesIndustriesIndustriesIndustryLogistic / Supply chainLogistiqueNEWSSoutienSoutien carburantSupport & SustainmentTerreTerreTerreZOOM

U.S. Army Seeks Alternative Energy Technologies for Mobile Command Posts Project

Source: – By John Keller – Army asks industry for alternative energy sources to help power mobile command posts on the battlefield U.S. Army …

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Warfighter 21-4: The Very First Trilateral US-UK-French Army Exercise

By Murielle Delaporte – One for Three, Three for One : Towards Multinational Corps Warfighting – This article is based on interviews with two of …

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